

The Altus School expects all pupils on roll to attend their agreed provision whether it is in school, within the home or with an alternative education provider organised by us. We do all we can to encourage regular attendance and put in place appropriate procedures to support this.

Parents are asked to telephone their child’s Centre to explain every absence. Parents are responsible by law for ensuring that their child/children attend and stay at school. Parents should inform the school as soon as possible of the reason for any absence. If a child is absent and no message has been received then a member of staff will phone the parents/carers to find out why. If the school has concerns about pupils’ attendance, the school will follow these up (please see our Attendance Policy).

Registers will be marked in school giving the reason for absence e.g. illness or medical appointments.

Where you know in advance that your child will be absent from school (e.g. doctors or dental appointment) it would be helpful to let us know before the date in question.

Government regulations, implemented from 1st September 2013, state that Headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time (e.g. family holidays) unless there are ‘exceptional circumstances’. To request a leave of absence you must complete a Leave of Absence Request Form and send this to school with as much notice as possible.  Please contact the school if you have any trouble accessing or completing the form for assistance.  The form can be found at the bottom of this page.

Where no notification has been received, or the reason is unjustified, then the absence will be recorded as unauthorised. Unauthorised absences are published nationwide and include truanting. It is important to note that the regulations state that absences can be authorised only by the school, not by the parents.

If a pupil becomes ill at school we must be able to contact parents, or another emergency contact, so it is important that parents keep us up to date with changes in telephone numbers, contacts etc. You can do this by telephoning your child’s centre or by writing to us.

Should a pupil become ill during school they will be referred to a qualified first aider. Parents will be asked to collect their child from school if necessary if the pupil cannot access learning.

Where a first aider has been in attendance to your child during the school day a note will be sent home advising you of this.

If you have any questions about reporting your child’s absence please contact us.