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Reading Scheme

Reading is a life skill, which lays the foundations for all other learning across the curriculum.  Therefore, we value the importance of early reading and make it a priority, as soon as children arrive we assess their progress in phonics and put in place a programme of phonics lessons to help them make progress. This is done for children of all ages. 

The Read Write Inc. programme (RWI), which we use to teach phonics at The Altus School is a systematic, synthetic phonics programme that explicitly teaches children to read accurately and fluently.  The ability to decode quickly makes reading effortless.  This makes reading more enjoyable and enables children to develop their comprehension, so that they can begin to read for pleasure.

The RWI reading books that the children access in their daily phonics sessions at school are matched to the children’s phonic knowledge and are fully decodable. Children who still need to access phonics teaching after Y3 use the Fresh Start programme. 


GCSE and courses available for KS4 pupils:

English, Maths, Science, Food Technology, PE, Art, ICT 


How to find our more about our curriculum

Pupils and parents/carers will be given an explanation of the relevant curriculum taught in each centre during the initial induction meeting. For information about individual curriculum subjects parents/carers may contact the subject/class teacher. Further information can be sought from the Centre lead or Headteacher. 


Our compliance with the Equality Act 2010 and the SEND Regulations 2014, to ensure the curriculum is accessible to pupils with SEND

Equality Act 2010: The Equality Act 2010 requires schools to ensure that disabled pupils are not treated less favorably and that reasonable adjustments are made to provide them with equal access to education.

Our SEND Policy outlines our commitment to providing equal access to education for all students, including those with SEND.

The Altus school  identifies and implements reasonable adjustments to ensure that disabled pupils are not at a substantial disadvantage compared to their peers. This might involve providing additional support, modifications to teaching methods, or adjustments to physical facilities. More information on this can be found in the school's latest SEND Report. 

The Altus school also ensures that its physical facilities are accessible to all students, including those with physical disabilities. This can include ramps, elevators, and accessible restroom facilities.